Hi guys. Welcome to my newly started blog. This is something new I’m trying out to sort of engage the public and showcase some of the stuff I shoot. Although I agree Facebook pages serves this purpose better, I do enjoy typing chunks of messages regarding what I did that I think is more styled for blogs than Facebook. I might end up creating a Facebook page in future, especially if my attempt at freelance photography takes off, chose to temporarily give it up for a few months after I got a job that worked an alternate 6 day week and realised it was pretty rough to plan around that. Recently I’ve been thinking about getting back into this some time in the near future, so I’ve started this blog as one of my plans to help in this if I ever decide to return to freelancing as a photographer.
Anyways, boring stuff over, here’s a small intro to the kind of things I enjoy shooting, though to be honest work hasn’t been kind enough to grant me enough energy to do any shooting during the weekends.
Music photography, free gigs are my best friends since no one controls my camera usage. I get to enjoy good music AND I get good photography practice, what more could I ask for? Anyone knows musicians looking for a photographer for their gig drop me a message!!
Cosplay photography. To be honest I kinda stopped following anime a few years ago after school work started to take up more of my time, but I still enjoy doing this to check out the effort the cosplayers put into their outfits, some of them are just outstanding. Visiting AFA simply for photography purposes have become an annual affair for me since I got my first DSLR.
And travel photography, because who doesn’t enjoy taking photos while on holiday?
OFF-TOPIC: Can’t help but notice the evolution of my watermark lol.
And also, this little dude. Name’s Marco, and he follows me everywhere with his trusty little camera. Follow me on Instagram to check out more of his adventures (link at bottom of the page). I’m planning to do a little feature on him sometime in the near future, so stay tuned 🙂
To be honest the next confirmed new content update for this blog will be in January when I head to Japan, but I can’t possibly leave this blog here rotting till then right? Till then I should be planning a series of #Throwback posts (not on Thursdays, because who says throwbacks can only be done on Thursdays?) to fill up the gap. 4 years worth of material, hopefully I don’t run out of things to post about so fast. I might have a couple of posts thrown in somewhere, like AFA15 in November, and whatever’s left of the Concert In The Parks series (keep forgetting about those, haven’t been to a single one of them yet)